“Joe wants to help you figure things out, rather than figure them out for you."
Organizational Development
At Jericho Consulting, we believe, and our research has shown that organizations achieve success because they have created a shared Vision of what they are and what they aspire to be. The key to this Vision, as well as achieving organizational goals, is an understanding and appreciation of the individual employees who comprise your company, as well as an understanding of your key customers.
However, individual employees are individuals - each with their own talents, ideas and approaches to the culture of work. The key is to blend these individuals into a cohesive team.
At Jericho, we strive to help organizations achieve success by providing the tools to recognize and make the best use of the unique strengths and abilities of each employee. We are ready to assist you through our five phase process: Discovery, Assessment, Mapping, Planning, and Implementation.
Phase I - Discovery
The Discovery Phase is designed to ensure that the employees of your organization are completely in-tune with the Values, Vision and Mission of the company and understand how their position fits into the company's success.
During this phase, we will use our Your Opinion Matters employee survey, designed to allow employees to know that you care about what they think and what is needed for the success of the company. Additionally, we will review your Values, Vision, and Mission, along with any communication tools you use to get this information to the employees.
Phase II - Assessment
Within the Assessment Phase, we will take a snapshot view of the core competencies and individual potential of each employee in order to determine the appropriate development plans necessary to create a cohesive team.
During this phase, we will use our Achieve 360, a 360 degree assessment of the skills and abilities of the individual, as well as several renowned assessments such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, the 16PF (to identify 16 personality factors), the Survey of Management Practices (to identify the basic management style of the employee), the Problem Management Survey (to identify the strength of the skills needed in effective problem solving), and the Personal Value Survey (to compare individual values with the of the organization).
Phase III - Mapping
The purpose of this phase is to provide senior management with a comprehensive view of the management resources. Organizational Mapping is the process by which a company profile is developed based upon key competencies, abilities and potential of all management. Through this important phase a complete succession planning program can be developed to provide you with a clear picture of the organization's development needs.
As a result of Mapping, senior management will be equipped with a map of the existing organization based upon key competencies and potential. An assessment will also be given on how the organization can be better served by realigning the existing staff to more closely meet the goals of the company.
Phase IV - Planning
In the Planning Phase of the project, we will create a development plan for each member of the management staff. These development plans will take into consideration the previous experience of the individual, their ability to perform in their current job and prospective jobs as well as their career aspirations.
This Planning Phase will produce a more integrated management staff who is capable of handling their current position and who have a Vision on where they are going and how they will help you achieve organization goals.
Phase V - Implementation
The Implementation Phase of most projects is the most critical and, at times, can get lost in the day-to-day activities of an organization. By outsourcing part of the implementation to Jericho, senior management can continue to concentrate on business activities while achieving an improved team.
In order to ensure that this process is completed in a timely manner, Jericho will work with your staff members to ensure that the plan is fulfilled as it was intended. Ongoing management of the action plans and on-site leadership coaching of management staff will also be available.
Next Phase - Your Call
If you are looking at how you can strengthen your management team and the entire organization, we would be delighted to help you achieve your organizational development goals. Call us at 763-444-7868 or email jbudnick@jerichousa.com.